sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

WIP: Lancers

September has been a fairly hopeless month in terms of gaming, painting, and blogging I'm afraid. So, just in case you thought I'd jacked it all in I'll put up some pics of the Austrian lancers I don't seem to be able to finish. 
Elite figures and horses with a few mounts from elsewhere (Connoisseur, Alban, Firing Line). 
Bases obviously not done yet, still awaiting painting, brushing and grass bits. So far I've just done 32 out of what will be a massive 48 man regt - 8 squadrons of 6 figures. I picked the the third regt as I liked the red Czapka, plus the trumpeters apparently wore white ( though I've had trouble confirming this). Plenty of conversions and head twists, plus a few replacement heads from Firing Line. Lance pennons by GMB. There will be a standard bearer, although I'm not sure if Austrian light cavalry actually carried them in action. All the lances were soldered, and the officers sabres replaced. I also played about with some of the horses, teasing out manes and tails with the soldering iron to give them more movement. In the end, however, I decided life was too short. I might do this again for officers and the odd special, but otherwise.No. 
I hope to get these finished this week, I guess I've had a bit of mid-project blues with the old Austrians. It will pass.
I have also decided to give these chaps their own staff officer - seeing as they are such a big unit. I found a lovely Bicorne Uhlan officer, and I've tweaked him a bit- changed his sword arm, added a steel sabre and soldered a "flying" scabard onto him, again to impart a little movement. I'll post him when he is done. 
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Blood Creek Phantom By Jay Barnson, Book Review

Blood Creek Phantom is book three of the Blood Creek Series by Jay Barnson. The story continues of Jenny and her friends as they battle Thadeus and The Coven here and around the bend.


The story in book two, Blood Creek Beast, finished off with a fight taking place in both worlds, and Blood Creek Phantom picks up shortly after the second book ends. In this installment, half of the story is told from Jenny's point of view and her fight around the bend against the forces led by Thadeus's daughter, Taliel. In our world, Sean provides us with the changes taking place in Maple Bend, and his discovered talent.

Jenny has grown in her powers. She has been tested as the war for control of the two worlds finds her. She is reunited with friends who help her and finds new ones. Circumstances can make for unexpected alliances. Jenny has to push herself to limits she didn't know she had and learns that war, and life, can involve making hard decisions.

In Maple Bend, Sean learns more about his talent of seeing ghosts. He also learns that not all ghosts are bad. This leads him to deal with his own insecurities and situations from his past at the same time figuring out what he can do to help his new friends and the challenges they face as The Coven and Thadeus push forward their plan of control.


Blood Creek Phantom continues in the same tone and presentation as Jay Barnson's first two books of this series. The storylines are easy to follow and clearly intended for a young adult to new adult readers. He doesn't present anything that should worry parents.

A war is taking place, but the graphic details take place off page. We know there are people dying, but we are not given the grisly details.. The description of the monsters faced by the heroes are the most graphic descriptions given, and anyway, they are monsters.

There is a strong delineation between good and evil. There are a few passages where it is clear the hero of the scene has to make a hard choice of how to complete the task they want to accomplish. This sometimes leads them into gray areas that are explored through their thoughts. Every time, though, it is made clear the purpose of the decision, however harsh, has a greater purpose.


Blood Creek Phantom is a worthy sequel. The story continues with strength from the first two books. We return to Jenny's story and pick up the story of Sean, a character introduced in book two. There is no harsh break from one part to the next. The style is the same and allows for easy reading through the books.

Without giving away the ending I will say it is clear the story hasn't ended. Part of the battle has been completed. The heroes have been tested. Thadeus remains and there is still more for Jenny, Jack Jessabelle, and Sean to do.

Here are the links to the reviews of the first two books.

Blood Creek Witch (link)
Blood Creek Beast (link)

These books are available on Amazon.

Blood Creek Witch (link)
Blood Creek Beast (link)
Blood Creek Phantom (link)

About the Author

Jay Barnson is a writer, software engineer, and an award-winning video game developer. He grew up on a steady diet of classic Science Fiction and Fantasy, much of it from the pulp era. He has written fiction and non-fiction for several anthologies and magazines, including The Escapist and Cirsova, and a DragonComet award winner. A transplant to Utah, Jay was born in the hills of West Virginia, and uses the word "y'all" by choice, not by habit. And for the last time, he's not the one to blame for the one sock of each pair that keeps going missing in your dryer. It was the aliens. Aliens!

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If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to guildmastergaming@gmail.com.

I have articles being published by others and you can find most of them on Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).

Ep 30: Talking History Is Live!

Ep 30: Talking history
This episode is being released on December 7th, 2017. On this date, 76 years ago, naval aviators of the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked United States forces stationed in Hawaii. This led to the US's involvement in the second world war. Please join me in a moment of silence in remembrance of those who died during the war, as well as those who survived the war and have since passed.
Join the conversation at https://theveteranwargamer.blogspot.com, email theveteranwargamer@gmail.com, Twitter @veteranwargamer
Try Audible for your free audiobook credit by going to http://audibletrial.com/tvwg
Music courtesy bensound.com. Recorded with zencastr.com. Edited with Audacity. Make your town beautiful; get a haircut.

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

People Of Frictional: Max Lidbeck


I'm Max, and I do gameplay programming and design. I joined Frictional about a year and a half ago, and I've been working on one of our super secret projects since.

Yours truly.

For the first nine months or so I, like everyone else, worked from home. Last summer we got an office set up in the heart of Malmö. Since then the amount of days I spend working from home has reduced greatly, though I still do it from time to time.

Setup at home and at work.

These are my two workspaces, the first one in the office and the other one at home (which is rather bare bones right now, moved in just a couple of days ago!). They're quite similar; both the computers and the chairs are the same kind. I wanted to be even more consistent and get the same type of desk as the office one at home, a decision that was ultimately overruled by my better half (apparently it doesn't go with the rest of the decor).


Games have always been a big part of my life. Most of my time growing up was spent either playing games or talking about games. But, for quite a while, my family didn't have a PC. Which meant I was stuck playing all sorts of old, weird games on rapidly aging Apple computers. One of my earliest gaming memories consist of repeatedly failing at air-hockey, losing to a hideous pig-man in Shufflepuck Cafe on my dad's old Macintosh.

Eventually I scraped together enough money to put together my first PC, in front of which I would stay rooted for the following years. In addition to playing, I spent a lot of time creating custom content for games with my friends. It was always quite basic though, as I hadn't learned any programming yet.

For a year or so I studied film and media studies at the university, with a diffuse goal of wanting to work in games down the line. One night my girlfriend gave me a push, and I applied for a three-year game development program at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH).

My years at BTH were a mixed bag. On one hand, we had a lot of freedom and got to work on tons of small projects, which was very fun and super rewarding. On the other hand, some courses felt like they were only marginally related to game development. Working on side-projects during your spare time was crucial. I got through it all by finding a good group of like-minded students that I stuck to for the entirety of the education. Our final project was a side-scrolling adventure game called Far Away - you can watch the trailer for it on Youtube.

Perfectly in sync with graduating, I stumbled across a job opening at Frictional and sent in an application. Over the following weeks I answered some additional questions, did a work test and finally had an interview. A couple of days before I would hear from Frictional, I got a job offer from another company in software development. I clumsily explained to them I was waiting on another offer and asked for a few more days. Finally, I got an email from Fredrik and Thomas offering me the job. It was a no-brainer, and I happily accepted.


My first few weeks at the company consisted of completing a list of introductory tasks, to learn more about the tools and the engine. This was a lot of fun, and culminated in the creation of a silly mini-game where I got to put everything I had learned to the test.

After I had completed the introductory tasks I got to work on Safe Mode for SOMA, which was something I was really excited about -- contributing to a game I truly thought was great. From the get-go, we felt it was important to maintain the monsters' threatening presence in order for their new behaviours to gel with the overall tone of the game. We couldn't just disable their ability to harm you; doing this would end up breaking immersion (imagine repeatedly throwing a toolbox in Akers' face and him just standing there, taking it). Instead, we tried to focus on how to best tweak each monster's behaviour in a manner that suited that particular encounter. For instance, some might eerily walk up to you and size you up, and can even bluff charge you if you've strayed too close. To further enforce the behaviours fitting with the world, we decided that if you were to actively mess with monsters (like invading their personal space for too long, hurling trash at them and so on), they should still be able to hurt you, just not kill you. Overall it was a very worthwhile experience, and I'm quite happy with how it all turned out.

Now I'm working on one of our secret projects. As the gameplay programmer/designer workflow has already been described in previous posts I won't go into detail, but my days in general are spent designing and scripting events and scenes, as well as programming gameplay systems.


Additionally, I thought I'd talk a bit about the differences in working from home compared to working in the office. We're also gonna do a proper office tour later on, so stay tuned!

This is where the magic happens.

This is our office! Currently, we're around seven people occupying this space, probably with more to come. It's quite seldom all of us are here at once though, but there are usually a few people around. And on the off chance that you're here by yourself one day, fear not; there's always the noisy, seemingly stiletto heel-wearing, tap-dancing travel agency crew upstairs to keep you company (seriously).

So, it really isn't all that crowded here. But, seeing as most of us don't work from the office, we often have meetings over Slack. It can easily get annoying for your desk-mates if you keep babbling on and on in various meetings throughout the day, which is why we've set up a separate meeting room. It also moonlights as a test room, complete with a TV, some dev kits and a monster webcam.

The fact that the company is split into people working from home and people working in the office could potentially lead to complications, such as communication issues. In order to prevent this we've made sure that all important decisions and discussions still happen over Slack, to keep everyone in the loop. So far this policy has worked well, and the transition has been quite smooth.

In the end, a typical day of work in the office is very similar to one at home. There is of course the added social aspect of working in the same physical space as you colleagues, which is great, but if you one morning feel like you'd rather stay at home and work, you can. Having this option every day really is quite luxurious.

Other than this, and the requirement to wear pants, the routines of working in the office and and working from home differ very little.

Wanna see who else works at Frictional? Check out the rest of the People of Frictional posts!

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

DE: Black Heart Might Be The Best Kabal

At first, I was afraid, I was petrified.

That's right folks, you heard it here first.  While I was balls deep in Flayed Skull in the beginning of all the rumors and previews, but now I think I might be some kind of Black Heart convert.  OK, hear me out, I can justify it I think.

Here is my reasoning:
  • The 6+++ bonus literally affects everything, from flesh to metal, right from the get-go to the rest of the game.  You always have it.
  • You don't need additional Archon tax to access the best Strategems, Warlord traits and artifacts in the book.  Instead of paying Archon tax, you're one step closer to buying a Warrior unit in a Venom.
  • With the improvement to our weapons, our damage certainly went up for the points. However, one thing remains unchanged and that's our durability.  Spirit Stones on everything will help keep our important pieces alive longer so we don't attrition as hard.
  • The Living Muse artifact makes that one Archon the single biggest damage amplifier in the codex (gives all Black Heart units within 6" of the Warlord re-roll 1s to Wound).  It affects every weapon type and is super good, but you have to walk around like a baller.

Just one little note about Writ of the Living Muse:  It's a huge damage amplifier but keeping everything that I can within 6" of the damn Archon might be a huge challenge.  It also makes that particular HQ a huge pain in everyone's ass and everyone is going to be gunning for him.  However, I'll just have to play him well and use all the long-range firepower that I have to really deliver some results in the opening phases of the game.  Otherwise, I'm kind of screwed!

Now when I look back at Flayed Skull, I think that the 3" extra move is the single best bonus it provides.  The re-roll 1s for Rapid Fire only really kick in with Splinter Rifles and if I'm not taking many Venoms or Warriors double-tapping, I'm not getting the best out of it.  The ignore cover part is also really nice since there's always some crap out there like CW Rangers, but I've been thinking back to all the 8th games where cover was game-changing.  Can't really think of times where it decided the game if I'm to be honest.

With that being said, I could argue that Agents of Vect and Labyrinthine Cunning was enough to win me over, but the sustained durability of all our units really did it for me.  Not paying additional Archon tax means that I can fit in more units and I think my next game will be full Kabal of the Black Heart.

Case in point, I'm going to roll with this in my Weds game this week:

2000 // 7 CP
Black Heart Battalion +3 CP

Archon, Agonizer, Blaster = 91
Archon, VB, Blaster = 89

5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
Venom = 65

5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
Raider, Dark Lance = 85

10x Warriors, 2x Blaster, Dark Lance = 114
Raider, Dark Lance = 85

10x Warriors, 2x Blaster, Dark Lance = 114
Raider, Dark Lance = 85

10x Warriors, 2x Blaster, Dark Lance = 114
Raider, Dark Lance = 85

10x Warriors, 2x Blaster, Dark Lance = 114
Raider, Dark Lance = 85

Ravager, 3x Dinsintegrators = 125
Ravager, 3x Dinsintegrators = 125
Ravager, 3x Dinsintegrators = 125


Black Heart Air Wing +1 CP

Razorwing, 2x Dinsintegrators = 135
Razorwing, 2x Dinsintegrators = 135
Razorwing, 2x Dinsintegrators = 135


15 Disintegrators at BS3+
9 Dark Lances at BS3+
10 Blasters at BS3+
2 Blasters at BS2+
1 Splinter Cannon at BS3+
44 Splinter Rifles at BS3+
3 Razorwing Missiles at BS3+

If you look at the firepower arrangement of this list compared to the other ones I've poured out over the last couple of days, I think this is the most optimized and most balanced.  I got my command Raider where my Archons can go chill and I'm able to fit an extra Venom in there due to the points gained from not having a third detachment.  This also allowed me to take 4x full gunboats instead of the previous 3 while still having my 3/3 ratio of Ravagers and Razorwings.

I think tomorrow, I'll talk about shoving Wyches into someone's face at the start of the game because why not.  It only costs 160 points for 20 of them and Succubi are much cheaper now!

Considering A Master's Or PhD In Digital Media?

The Digital Media program at Georgia Tech is now accepting applications at the Master's and Ph.D. levels. 

The Digital Media graduate program at Georgia Tech is a multidisciplinary program that engages students in making with meaning in digital media through their own discipline, skills, and expertise. Students here from the humanities, engineering, technology, and the arts backgrounds all engage in collaborative, practice-based work where they learn and apply design methods and critical theory in studio courses that are focused on having a voice--or giving a voice to others--through digital media.  

They offer both a two year intensive Master's degree and a Ph.D. in Digital Media, working with leading researchers that touch on topics such as civic media, game design, smart cities, interactive installation, augmented & virtual reality, computational creativity, and STEAM-based education.

They host multiple online events to inform those interested in the program. More information and RSVP is available through our website: http://dm.lmc.gatech.edu/.  The upcoming application deadlines for Fall 2019 are Dec. 10th, 2018, for the Ph.D. program and Jan. 8th, 2019 for the Master's program. 

Students interested in visiting the campus can do so during our open house event on January 18, 2019.  RSVP here.

If you have any further questions about the program and admission process, please contact me or the Associate Director Michael Terrell directly at dgs@lmc.gatech.edu.

The Great Keinplatz Experiment And Other Tales Of Twilight And The Unseen By Doyle

The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen by Doyle

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020


https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/3d-ultra-nascar-pinball-aka-3d-ultra.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/bat-ii-koshan-conspiracy.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/cybermage-darklight-awakening.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/hi-res-adventures-0-6.html https://collectionchamber.blogspot.com/p/simfarm.html

There are actually 12 games in September's monthly 5 if you include ports and compilations so it'll keep you busy as Autumn officially rolls in. First up is the 4th 3D Ultra Pinball game; the stock car themed 3D Ultra NASCAR Pinball. Next is the cyberpunk stylings of B.A.T. II: The Koshan Conspiracy, the bigger-budgeted sequel to last months adventure/RPG hybrid. The legendary developers at ORIGIN added some fantasy to their cyberpunk in the ahead-of-its-time FPS CyberMage: Darklight Awakening. Then travel back in time to a compilation of early Sierra graphical text adventures under the Hi-Res Adventures banner, including the official tie-in to The Dark Crystal film (damn, that Netflix prequel show was good!). Then, tend to a farm in another entry into Maxis' Sim series in the aptly titled SimFarm.

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domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020

Up Against The Wall - 1944 Scenario AAR

The problem with having a lot of figure collections is not being able to use them very often, I try and get round most of the stuff I have at least once a year but my 6mm WW2 has been away too long (April 2016) so it was about time we continued our journey from D-Day to the Assault on the Rhine.

Scale 6mm, Rules Homebrew based on Korp Commander by Bruce Tea Taylor, figure scale approx 1:4.

Based on a scenario from the book White Star Rising, scenarios for Spearhead published in 1997.

A King Tiger waits for its prey on the edge of the village
Historical Background

12th Sept 1944 near Aachen Germany - it's been just three months since the landings and after a slow start it's been a wild ride to get to here but things have been slowing down. Montgomery in Holland and Patton against the Vosges Mountains.

Here in 1st Army sector the going is easier, the plan to punch through the lightly held Siegfried Line and maybe even reach the Rhine, after all the Germans haven't got anything left..... have they ?

The table is 8ft x 6ft and is shown above, you should be able to see all the main features.

Germans set up hidden anywhere to the left (as viewed) of the line of hill, field, hill, field hill on the far right (apologies for adding humour) of the table. Germans set up on numbered counters with 1 blank counter for each real one.

Americans enter the table anywhere along the right table edge.

The Westwall runs along the left hand side of the table.

The game is decided by a points count up after 15 turns.

American Forces

The game will be decided on points you will receive 5pts per town sector held at the end of the game. 2pts for each AFV destroyed and 5pts for any enemy Battalion routed.

Initial Wave consists of 2 Tank Battalions (Morale 5) each with,

BHQ 2 x M4A3E8 Str 5, Recce Company Inf in Jeep Str 3
Gun Co M8HMC Str 3 and a Mortar Company M21 Sgt 3
2 x Tank Companies with 3 x M4A3 Str 5
1 x Tank Companies with 3 x M4A3E8 Str 5
1 x Tank Companies with 3 x M24 Str 5 (Second Battalion has M5s)
Attached 1 Tank Destroyer Company with 3 x M36 Str 4

2 x Armoured Infantry Battalions Morale 5

BHQ in M3 Str5, Recce Company Inf in Jeep Str 3, MMG Coy 3 x MMG in M3
Gun Coy M7 Priest Str 3, Mortar Coy M21 Sgt 3, AT Coy 2 x 57mm AT & Tow Str 5
3 x Inf Companies each with 3 x Inf mounted in M3 Str 6

On table Art 3 Batteries of M7 Priest Str 6

Off table Art, 1 Battery of 8" How Str 6 and 3 Batteries of 105mm How Str 6


Any remaining assets from a standard US Armoured Division at the time so 1 Tank Battalion, 1 Armoured Infantry Battalion, Recce Battalion, Engineer Battalion, Artillery Battalion (2 Companies left) at a rate of 2 Companies per turn anywhere on the US baseline. Once a Battalion is committed all of its companies must be activated before another Battalion can be selected.

Air Power

Each player rolls 1d20 and any score over 15 will bring a supporting flight of aircraft. Roll a second dice on any success with a 50% chance of receiving a flight of rocket armed Typhoons if not a flight of CAP arrives over the table, they will remain over the table for 6 turns and may perform 1 gun attack on a ground target as they leave.

German Forces

The German player scores 2 points for each enemy Rifle Platoon Killed, 1 point for each Tank Platoon Killed, 10 points for each enemy Battalion routed.

81st Korps Tank Reserve Morale 8
1 Company of 3 x Tiger II tanks Str 4
1 Company of 3 x Jagdpanther Str 4
2 Companies of 3 x Jagdpanzer IV/70 Str 4

48th Volksgrenadier Regt Morale 5

RHQ Str 5 in Horsch Car, Recce Company Inf on Bicycle Sgt 3
Gun Coy 120mm Mortar Sgt 8, Engineer Platoon 3 x Engineer in Sdkfz 10

2 Battalions each with
BHQ Str 4, 81mm Mortar Str 4 and 75mm Infantry Gun Str 6
3 Companies each with 2 x V Gren Str 7

Set up as described above, there is no off table artillery, all German players will receive 1 roll of a d20 per turn with the Luftwaffe turning up on a 20. Roll for type as American.

How did we get on 

This is quite an interesting game with the Germans having all the Gucci toys but the Americans having all the resources. The Germans set their main line of defence down the centre of the table from the large wood in the foreground of the set up shot across the villages using the Armoured resources to form killing grounds in front of the terrain whilst the Infantry waited in Ambush in the cover.

Tigers spotted
The American Players, uncertain of the location began their attack with two main lines of attack. One against the hill nearest the camera on the set up shot, commanded by myself. My plan was to push forward in the centre with my tanks whilst rushing my APC borne Infantry round the wood to flank the hill, leaving my M36 Tank Destroyers on the hill behind on Overwatch. Let's call this the Left Column.

Left Column Advance
The second column pushed forward around the hill and woods in the centre of the American lines, the Infantry heading for the wood, the Tanks for the two section village. I will call this the Right Column.

Both columns came under heavy fire as soon as they broke cover, the Left by a Company of Tiger II, the Left by some Jagdpanthers on a hill and the JpzIV in the village.

Casualties were as expected quite heavy, especially on the right where the Americans were caught in the open as shown in the above. However the main German Armour had been located, it just needed the Air Force to turn up.

German AA waiting .........and waiting 
The problem was it didn't turn up enough and when it did it was CAP and not Ground Attack ! But that's the dice for you. The Luftwaffe wisely didn't turn up at all, it wouldn't have got anywhere anyway as there was around 20 Spitfires over the table waiting for something to chew up.

The American Infantry on the left got into the woods in strength driving out the Volks Grenadiers who had been holding out in there, this allowed them to start turning the flank of the Tigers. On the other side of the table the Americans had brought on their ACAV battalion and scores of Jeeps Greyhounds and M5s started to pour down the right flank.

The game ended after a couple of our evening sessions and all that was left to do was add up the points.

German Losses

6 Tiger II, 6 Jagdpanzer IV, 3 x Recce, 3 x 75mm Infantry Guns and 9 Infantry

24 points to the Americans for 12 AFV kills.

American Losses

Right Flank
15th Tank Battalion 2 x Recce, 27 M4A3, 15 M4A3E8, 9 M24
613 Tank Destroyer Btn 9 x M36 Jackson
9th Armoured Infantry 3 x 57mm AT Guns and 3 Infantry
86th Armoured Cavalry 1 x M5 and 33 M8 and 2 Infantry

Left Flank
69th Tank Battalion 14 x M4A3, 16 M4A3E8
40th Armoured Infantry 2 x Recce and 12 Infantry

17 points to the Germans for 15 Tank Platoon losses and 1 Infantry loss.

A good scenario, the Germans get to shoot loads of stuff but the Americans have the upper edge in numbers. Next up in our WW2 6mm games will be a Market Garden game whilst on the table we have the next instalment of our Op Compass Campaign.

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

Suzy Cube Update: June 15, 2018

#SuzyCube #gamedev #indiedev #madewithunity @NoodlecakeGames @CanGamingExpo
This is it, folks! Our last Suzy Cube update before the June 19th release! That's only four days away!? ONLY FOUR DAYS AWAY!!!
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Exploring Monster Taming Mechanics In Final Fantasy XIII-2

Let's just get this out of the way. I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan. I adore the original game even today, Final Fantasy VI is definitely the best of the franchise, and I've found things to enjoy in every one that I've played, which is nearly all of the main-line games. (I still haven't managed to crack open FFIII, but I plan to soon.) Even each of the games in the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy had something that drew me in and kept me going through the game, wanting to learn more. These games get a lot of flack for being sub-par installments in the Final Fantasy franchise, and some of the criticism is warranted. The story is convoluted, and the plot is as confusing as quantum mechanics.

That debate, however, is not why we're here now. We're here to look at one of the great aspects of FFXIII-2: the monster taming and infusion system.

This system is deep and complex, but not in the off-putting way that the plot is. The amount of variety and configurability in the monsters that you can recruit to fight alongside Serah and Noel is astonishing, which is nice because those two are somewhat lacking in that department. Their development paths are fairly linear. There are a few choices about what strengths to give them as they level up in the "crystarium," but it's mostly a matter of ordering the abilities they learn and doesn't make much difference in the end. The monsters, on the other hand, allow for huge variations in development that results in a system with fascinating choices for optimization and prioritization. Figuring out how to capture and develop powerful monsters early in the game is great fun, and its this characteristic of Final Fantasy games—of finding ways to build a strong party early in the game without tedious grinding—that I really enjoy.

On a totally different note, I've been considering different ways to practice using databases and building simple websites, and the monster taming system is complex enough and interesting enough that it would make for a good collection of content to use for that practice while having some fun in the process. So, the other goal of this series, other than exploring the monster taming system in FFXIII-2, is to explore how to get a data set into a database, put it up on a website with Ruby on Rails, and experiment with that data set in some novel ways. Before we get into all of that, however, we need to understand what the heck we're putting in the database in the first place, and to do that we need to understand this monster taming system in detail.

Monster Taming

Okay, what is this monster taming, and why is it so complicated? We'll have to start at the beginning and work our way through the system. At the start of the game there's just Serah, trying to stay alive. (Actually, the very start of the game is a flashy battle sequence and confusing plot points with Lightning, but let's ignore that.) Pretty soon Noel shows up and decides to help Serah out, so now it's a party of two. This setup goes on for a couple levels, but it's pretty weird for a Final Fantasy game. Normally there's three or four characters in a party. Then we come to a pitched battle with a Cait Sith and a Zwerg Scandroid. There will be a lot of weird monster names throughout this series. You're just going to have to roll with it. Anyway, after creaming the cat and the droid, they turn into monster crystals, which are basically the essence of monsters. These crystals are stored in your monster inventory, and you can assign three of them to coveted spots in your "Paradigm Pack" (not the name I would have picked). These three monster spirits will fight with you in battle, and so begins your long and precarious journey as the monster whisperer.

Monsters come in six basic varieties, conveniently matching the six roles that Serah and Noel can assume. These six role are briefly explained as follows:
  • Commando - The Arnold Schwarzenegger role, plenty of strength, short on finesse.
  • Ravager - The mage role, uses attack magic.
  • Sentinel - This is a tank role, not many attacking options, but it absorbs damage like it's nothing.
  • Saboteur - Weakens the enemy by removing protections and inflicting ailments like poison and slow.
  • Synergist - Strengthens the party with offensive and defensive enhancements. Also moonlights as a business executive.
  • Medic - Heals the party, and possibly the only obvious role name of the bunch.
While Serah and Noel can switch between these roles, the tamed monsters have fixed roles. Switching the monster's role switches the monster, and there are three role possibilities for any given battle corresponding to the three monsters that are on deck. The monster's type is only the beginning of what a monster is, though. There is so much more.

Monster Training

Monsters can gain experience just like Serah and Noel. Both the humans and the monsters have crystariums where they advance along a path to gain abilities and increase their stats. While the humans have a crystarium for each of their six roles, the monsters each have one crystarium, possibly with multiple levels, where they gain their abilities and stats. Because the crystariums of the monsters are more unique to the monster itself, each monster type will learn a unique set of abilities and end up with different stats. Additionally, while the humans can move through their crystariums by spending crystarium points gained from winning battles, monsters can only advance on their crystariums by using various types of monster materials that are dropped by defeating monsters in battle. This seems to be some form of cannibalism, but it's pretty mild because the materials are bolts and orbs and other things like that. Monsters require different materials for their crystariums depending on what level they're on their crystarium, and if they're biological or mechanical monsters. Different materials will also give different bonuses to the monster's health, strength, magic, or all three stats.

Following so far? Because we're just getting started. This monster whispering is intricate stuff. On top of the unique upgrade paths, abilities, and materials, each monster spirit has a set of characteristics that relate to how they will develop as they level up. A monster can be a "late bloomer," meaning it may be weak to start with, but it can reach the upper levels 70-99 of its crystarium. Maybe the monster is "brainy," meaning that it will learn lots of abilities, or it's "flameproof," which is pretty self-explanatory. There are 29 characteristics in all, and any given monster can have up to four of them. Monsters will also come with some initial abilities, whether that be actions like casting certain spells and attacking or passive abilities like "armor breaker" that allows it to penetrate an enemy's physical defense. Taming and training monsters are not the only ways to get monsters with certain abilities, however. This is where things get real, as in real complicated.

Monster Infusion

The third way to give a particular monster new and wonderful abilities is to take another monster that has the desired ability(ies) and fuse them into the desired monster through a magical monster infusion process. How does this work exactly? Who knows! How did materia work in FFVII, or guardian force cards in FFVIII? It's a Final Fantasy game; some things you just have to accept without question and move on. The source monster spirit is lost in this process of infusing the target monster with new abilities. It's a destructive process.

Losing the source monster is not the only cost, though. There are restrictions as well. The first restriction is that a monster can only have 10 passive abilities. If a monster accumulates more than 10 passive abilities, some of them are going to have to go. These abilities all have a rank, and higher ranked abilities will stick to a monster better than lower ranked abilities. Also, newer abilities are stickier than older abilities, according to when the monster learned them. The lowest ranked abilities will get the boot first, with order of acquisition being the tie-breaker—first in, first out.

The next restriction is red-locked abilities. These are abilities that cannot be transferred to or removed from a monster, ever. This restriction is pretty simple, unlike the next one.

Monsters can also have yellow-locked abilities, although these locks never exist by default. Yellow locks can be created, propagated, and destroyed by infusing abilities of the same type in various ways. Two abilities are the same type if they modify the same attribute. For example, HP +10% and HP +25% would be of the same type. Also, HP +10% is a lower rank than HP +25%. That's important for yellow locks because if you infuse a monster that already has a lower rank ability with an equal or higher rank ability of the same type, the infused ability comes with a yellow lock and will stay put when the monster's abilities overflow. Generally, if an ability of higher rank is added to a yellow-locked ability of lower rank, the yellow lock is kept. If an ability of equal or lower rank is added to a yellow-locked ability, the yellow lock is destroyed. It's a bit more complicated than that because there are about a dozen different combinations, but this summary should be sufficient for the purpose of setting the requirements of the database. Basically, we want to make sure we know the rank of each ability so that we can figure out the best way to develop monsters' abilities.

All of the red lock and yellow lock stuff has to do with passive abilities, but there are two other types of abilities that come into play with monster infusion: role abilities and hidden abilities. Role abilities are the actions that the monster will take in battle, and there is no limit to the number of these abilities that a monster can have. When a source monster is infused, you can choose from its role abilities up to the number that its crystarium stage is at, which will be 1-5 depending on how much you can level up the monster and how much you actually leveled it up. The disadvantage of infusing too many role abilities on a monster is that you don't have control over what it does in battle, and if it has too many options, it probably won't be doing what you want it to do when you need it most. Decide what you're going to use a monster for, and then don't give it choices. You can't remove role abilities once they're infused.

Lastly, hidden abilities are learned by a monster when it is infused with 99 levels worth of monsters of the opposite role. Commando and Ravager are opposites (makes sense), Saboteur and Synergist are opposites (makes even more sense), and Sentinel and Medic are opposites (the leftovers, I guess). For example, you could infuse nine level 17 Zwerg Scandroids onto your Red Chocobo, and it'll learn Jeopardize, which boosts the bonus the chocobo gets when attacking a staggered enemy. Each role has it's own hidden ability that it gets when those 99 levels of monsters of the opposite role are infused into it.

Acquiring the Data for the Database

Okay, that was a bunch of intricate, complicated stuff, but it gives us a good idea of what kind of data we want to put in our database so we can link it up and ask interesting questions about monster infusion. 

First, we want to know all about monsters:
  • What's its name?
  • Is it tamable? We might have a separate tamable monster table since most of the following properties wouldn't apply to non-tamable monsters.
  • What materials does it drop in battle?
  • What's its role?
  • Where in the game can we find it?
  • What are its characteristics?
  • What's its max level?
  • What are its starting and ending stats (HP, strength, and magic)?
  • What are its starting abilities?
  • What abilities does it learn and at which crystarium levels?
  • How many crystarium stages does it have?
  • What is its feral link? (We didn't talk about this. It's a special action that can be triggered when the monster gets hit too much.)
  • What does the feral link do?
  • We could also include pictures if we want to get fancy.
We also want to know about abilities. This will be a separate table:
  • What's its name?
  • What's its rank?
  • What does it do?
  • Is it passive, role, or hidden? These may be separate tables, since they're different enough to warrant it.
  • Which role is it associated with?
We'll be interested in at least one aspect of the areas in the game:
  • What's its name?
  • How early can we reach this area? I.e. which area unlocks this area?
Since there's a fair number of monster materials, we'll want to keep track of those:
  • What's its name?
  • Is it biological or mechanical?
  • What stage of the crystarium is it for?
  • Does it boost HP, strength, magic, or all three? (The name does give this away, but let's be thorough.)
We'll also want to know a little about the monster characteristics because the names are not self-explanatory:
  • What's its name?
  • What does it mean?
This is shaping up to be a reasonably complex database with 5-8 tables interlinked by these different items' names. The relations in the database will happen through IDs, but everything does have a name as well. The names will be what appears in the tables presented as views of the database, likely with hyperlinks to their information in their own tables. So how should we get all of this data into a database? I certainly don't want to enter it by hand. There's over 150 monsters, dozens of abilities, and dozens of properties for each monster. 

Luckily, some ambitious people have already done the hard work of writing out all of these things in an FAQ, and it's available on gamefaqs.com. The Monster Infusion FAQ by sakurayule, BMSirius, and Taly932 contains almost everything we want to put in the database. It also contains example builds for post-game super monsters, but we're going to look at something a bit different with this series. We want to figure out the best monster builds we can do during the game in order to have monsters that can help us through the game without the need to do any grinding. All of the necessary information is in that FAQ. We just have to write a script to parse it and put it in a form that's easy to import into the database. That parsing script is what we'll figure out how to write in the next episode.

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